DRC is a statewide agency designated under federal law to protect and advocate for the rights of Californians with disabilities. It operates several mental health advocacy programs and has a Los Angeles office.
Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
LAFLA provides a variety of services to support individuals with mental disabilities such as government benefits, housing and homelessness, and employment issues.
Los Angeles County Public Defender - Mental Health Court
In collaboration with other social services agencies, the Public Defender endeavors to secure mental health treatment rather than incarceration, divert individuals with mental illness and substance abuse disorders into community treatment, and empower independent living of its clients.
Mental Health Advocacy Services
MHAS works to protect the legal rights of low income adults and children with mental health disabilities.
Mental Health America of Los Angeles
MHALA provides services to adults and transition-age youth with mental health needs who do not have financial resources on a variety of issues such as housing and homelessness, employment, and education.
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Greater Los Angeles County
This local NAIMI chapter promotes the “wellness, recovery, equality, and dignity” of individuals, families, and communities affected by mental illness.
Patients’ Rights Office - Los Angeles County Dept. of Mental Health
This office advocates to protect and further the Constitutional and statutory rights of mental health care consumers, both adults and minors.
Saks Institute for Mental Health Law, Policy, and Ethics
A think tank at the University of Southern California dedicated to interdisciplinary and collaborative research among scholars and policymakers around issues of mental health.