The Law Library has a microform collection of Supreme Court petitions and briefs filed in cases decided beginning with the 1934 Supreme Court term. These are located in the Library's Photocopy/Microform Room (Rm. 218). For cases from the 1934 through 1971 terms, most of the collection is on microcards. Starting with the 1972 term, the collection is on microfiche, which allow the documents to be printed or electronically scanned on the Library's microfiche reader/printer.
To access the briefs from a particular case using the microform collection, you will need either the official United States Reports citation for the case (e.g., 410 U.S. 113) or its docket number, depending on when the case was decided. For cases from the 1934 through 1973 terms (covered by volumes 293-418 of the United States Reports), the microform collection is organized by official citation. For cases decided after the 1973 term, the collection is organized by docket number. If you do not have the docket number, you can find it by going to the Court's opinion in the case (in either the print reporters or online). The docket number will appear in the opinion, right after the name of the case. For assistance in finding Court opinions, consult the USC Law Library guide How to Find Cases.