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Intellectual Property

Case Law

United States Patents Quarterly. Bureau of National Affairs (Law Library; Bloomberg BNA)

  • This federally produced reporter includes patent-related cases decided by federal courts, administrative decisions determined by the U.S. Patent and Appeals Board, and decisions made by the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks.

Patents and Patent Applications

USPTO Patent Full Text and Image Database - United States Patent and Trademark Office

  • This database contains text and image versions of patents granted by the USPTO. The database can be searched using any number of fields, including keyword, title, patent number, applicant name, and assignee name.

USPTO Patent Application Full Text and Image Database - United States Patent and Trademark Office

  • This database contains text and image versions of patent applications filed to the USPTO. The database can be searched using a variety of fields, including keyword, title, patent number, applicant name, and assignee name.

Administrative Law

Manual of Patent Examining Procedure, United States Patent and Trademark Office (Law Library;

  • The MPEP is the USPTO's official reference guide on enforcement of patent-related statutory provisions of the U.S. Code. This guide covers the procedures the USPTO uses when examining patent applications and determining whether to grant or deny a patent. The MPEP is not binding authority, but is instead advisory in nature.

Patent Trial and Appeal Board Decisions. United States Patent and Trademark Office

  • The PTAB hears patent appeals and publishes its decisions on the USPTO website.
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