For research assistance, please contact the Law Library's Reference Office at (213) 740-5070 or stop by the reference desk.
Louis Kachulis
USC Law Library - Research Assistant
These resources are comprehensive treatises covering all facets of trademark law including filing a trademark application, appealing failed application, and defending an infringed mark.
West's Legal Forms. Thomson West (Law Library; Lexis; Westlaw)
American Jurisprudence Legal Forms 2d. Lawyers Cooperative Publishing (Law Library; Lexis; Westlaw)
American Jurisprudence Pleading & Practice Forms Annotated. Thomson Reuters (Westlaw)
The Trademark Reporter. International Trademark Association (Law Library; HeinOnline; Westlaw; Lexis)
Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Patent and Trademark Office Society (Law Library; HeinOnline; Westlaw; Lexis)