Advocates for the academic achievement of all students and strives toward equity for students of color and students living in poverty.
Provides free educational resources to supplement and inform educational curriculums to create more inclusive school communities.
Disseminates research into actionable educational policies to promote education quality, equity, and access.
This agency's mission is to promote student achievement and education equality.
Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries by Carlo Raffo, Alan Dyson, Helen Gunter, Dave Hall, and Lisa Jones (Routledge, 2011)
Provides scholarship and analysis regarding the relationship between poverty and education in affluent countries. (USC Libraries)
Rethinking Education and Poverty by William G. Tierney (John Hopkins University Press, 2015)
A collection of scholarly essays from contributors seeking to understand efforts in reducing poverty through education. (USC Libraries)
The Poverty Problem: How Education Can Promote Resilience and Counter Poverty's Impact on Brain Development and Functioning by Horacio Sanchez (SAGE Publications, 2021)
Explores the impact of poverty on developmental health and educational outcomes. (USC Libraries)
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
This peer-reviewed journal of the Human Development and Capability Association provides multidisciplinary research on human development issues, including the relationship between education and poverty. (USC Libraries)
Harvard Educational Review
Academic journal of opinion and research on numerous topics concerning education, including education policy related to poverty. (USC Libraries)
This database is sponsored by the U.S Department of Education and provides access to education-related journal articles, government documents, bibliographies, and other types of sources.
Supports global study and research on education with thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, and other sources.
Data & Statistics from the U.S. Department of Education
Contains a variety of data and datasets from the U.S. Department of Education.