Indian Treaties: A Bibliography
This source explains the treaty process and gives in-depth instructions and helpful sources to guide research on Indian Treaties.
This source gives comparable bibliographic information to the link above, but specifically for Canadian Indian Treaties.
American Indian Treaties Portal
This site has compiled links to treaties from multiple resources, helpfully arranging many treaties in one place.
Indigenous Digital Archive Treaties
This source allows you to view certified copies of 374 ratified Indian Treaties and helps explain which tribes and locations were affected.
HeinOnline Native American Treaties
HeinOnline contains 418 Native American Treaties which can be sorted by Tribe or by Date. This comprehensive source helpfully arranges the full texts of these treaties in one place.
Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties
Made available by Oklahoma State University, this source is a seven volume compilation put together by Charles J. Kappler which contains laws and treaties pertaining to Native Tribes.
American Indian Treaties: The History of a Political Anomaly by Francis P. Prucha
Nation to Nation: Treaties Between the United States & American Indian Nations by Suzan Shown Harjo