At the USC Law Library, you can find print versions of charters and codes for the city and county of Los Angeles. The current versions of these sets (listed below with their call numbers) are located in the California Section on the Main Floor of the library. The library also has earlier print versions of most of these charters and codes, which are kept in the Law Library's Compact Shelving section on the Third Floor (with the same or similar call number).
Difference Between Print and Online Versions
While each of these sets is updated with new looseleaf pages, the print versions are not typically as current as the online versions discussed in the next section of this guide. The print versions however contain indexes (typically located at the end of the sets) that can be very helpful when trying to find relevant sections. Also, it is often easier with the print versions to maneuver around different parts of the charter or code and see how different sections relate to each other.
USC Law Library's Print Collection of Los Angeles Charters and Codes:
The library has the current version of this charter as well as earlier versions for selected years (going back to 1878).
The library has the current version of this code and one earlier version (updated through 1981).
The library has the current version of this code and four prior editions (the earliest of which dates to 1936).
This set contains not only the current Los Angeles County Code but also the current charter for Los Angeles County (in volume 1). Each volume (or major division) in this set has its own index.
The library also has earlier versions of the Los Angeles county charter for selected years (going back to 1926) and two old editions of an administrative code for the county, one that was updated until 1973 and one that was updated until 1977.