This database, available from the USC Libraries’ Databases Page, is a growing full text collection of most highly regarded social science, humanities, and science journals. It is most useful for older issues of journals however current issues for some journals are now available. Topics covered include law, political science, African Studies, Asian studies, and many others.
This database, Columbia International Affairs Online, available from the USC Libraries’ Databases Page, publishes a wide range of international affairs and political science scholarship from 1991 to the present, including working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from non-governmental organizations, foundation-funded research projects and proceedings from conferences.
These three databases contain articles in full-text form in law reviews and bar journals, generally from the mid 1990s to the present.
Both of these are useful and effective resources to search for international legal literature. If you are unable to obtain the full text of the article or book using Google Scholar or Google Books, you should follow up with a search of the catalogs to see if USC has access to it (either in print or electronically) and if not, request it through interlibrary loan.