Access to the online resources with a lock () is restricted due to licensing agreements. Most of the resources listed in this guide are accessible to all USC students, faculty, and staff by using your USC NetID (the login used for Brightspace access). The online resources with
are limited to USC Gould School of Law students, faculty, and staff, More information about off-campus resource access can be found at this link.
The following online resources require users create individual accounts:
*Capital IQ requires users first download the USC VPN and then create an individual user account using your USC email address.
Email for registration information or assistance with any of our online resources.
CEB AccessLaw is a database with CEB's practice guides, California primary sources, news and continuing legal education materials.
CEB AccessLaw is restricted to students, staff, and faculty of the Gould School of Law. To register, go to
Email for the USC registration code.
To access the database, go to
Lex Machina is a legal analytics database with detailed data on case resolutions, damages, remedies, findings, counsel, and parties across a variety of state and federal jurisdictions.
Lex Machina is restricted to students, staff, and faculty of the Gould School of Law. To register, use your law school email ( or at
To access the database, go to
What Is LibKey Nomad:
LibKey Nomad is a free browser extension that automatically searches web pages as you read them and lets you know which materials USC already has access to. When you see an article with the LibKey symbol,
...just click to go directly to the full text. If you were reading the footnotes below, you could click any of the buttons that say "Article link," "Download PDF," or "Access Options" to go directly to the materials via USC's VPN login screen.
How to Get LibKey Nomad:
Download it for free from LibKey Nomad then set USC as your home library.