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Faculty Research Assistant Guide

Electronic Resources

In addition to Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law, there are many other research databases available to you as a USC student. The Law Library’s databases are accessible from the Online Resources page. USC Libraries’ electronic databases are located here. Below are commonly used legal and non-legal databases that may be useful for your faculty research. However, be aware that this list is not exhaustive, and there may be other useful databases for your research issue.

Off-Campus Access to Electronic Resources

Off-campus access to the Law Library’s and USC Libraries’ electronic resources (other than Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law) is through the USC Libraries’ Remote Access Portal at Use your USC Login (the ID and password you use to access Brightspace) to access this portal. If you have any questions or problems with off-campus access to electronic resources, please contact the Law Library Reference Office (213-740-5070, or USC Libraries using their online form.  

Legal Databases

Database Location(s) Content
HeinOnline Law Library’s Online Resources  Law journals, federal government documents, selective foreign and international documents, American Law Institute publications, Uniform Laws, English Reports, Legal Classics, etc. 

Secondary Sources > 

  • Law Reviews & Journals 

  • Texts & Treatises 

Select your content category either from the Browse menu or as a post-search filter. 


Secondary Materials > 

  • Law Reviews & Journals 

  • Treatises, Practice Guides & Jurisprudences 

Select your content category from Browse menu or as a post-search filter.

Bloomberg Law 
  • Current awareness sources    (Bloomberg Law Reports)  

  • Court dockets and documents (both federal and state) 

Index to Legal Periodicals & Books (1981-) 

Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1908-1981 

Law Library’s Online Resources  Citations to law review/journal articles (selective full-text and/or abstracts) 
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (1960-)  Law Library’s Online Resources  Citations to articles published in journals that focus on comparative, foreign, and international law 
CQ Press Electronic Library (1972-)  USC Libraries’ Databases  Coverage of United States political issues and current affairs 
Legislative Insight and ProQuest Congressional  USC Libraries' Databases  Congressional documents and information (federal legislative history); mostly full text 
Making of Modern Law  Law Library’s Online Resources  Digitized historical legal treatises, primary sources (including trial documents and records) from the U.S., Britain, and other countries (1600-1970) 
U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs (1832-1978)  Law Library’s Online Resources  Historical records and briefs of the U.S. Supreme Court 
LLMC Digital  Law Library’s Online Resources  Primarily historical primary sources from U.S. federal and state jurisdictions and some foreign governments 
Foreign Law Guide  Law Library’s Online Resources  Legal research guide covering many foreign countries 

Non-Legal Databases for Interdisciplinary Research

USC Libraries’ Databases for Interdisciplinary Research (available at

Database  Content 
USC Libraries Search   Multidisciplinary 
ArticleFirst Multidisciplinary 
JSTOR  Multidisciplinary 
ProQuest Multiple Databases  Multidisciplinary 
ProQuest Statistical Insight  Broad array of statistical information (U.S., U.S. States, International) 
Data-Planet Statistical Datasets  U.S., U.S. States, International 
Periodicals Archive Online  Multidisciplinary 
PIO - Periodicals Index Online  Multidisciplinary 
Current Contents Connect   Multidisciplinary 
America: History and Life with Full Text  Historical coverage of U.S. and Canada from prehistory to the present 
Historical Abstracts with Full Text  Historical coverage of the world, excluding U.S. and Canada 
OmniFile Full Text Mega (Wilson)  Multidisciplinary 
ABI/INFORM Complete  Business and Economics 

Business Abstracts with Full Text (1982-) 

Business Periodicals Index Retrospective (1913-1982) 

Business and Economics 
EconLit (Economic Literature Index)   Economics 
Social Sciences Citation Index   Social Sciences (access through Web of Science) 
Science Citation Index Expanded   Hard Sciences (access through Web of Science) 
Sociological Abstracts   Sociology, Race, Poverty/Homelessness, Social Policy 
PAIS International (Public Affairs Information Service)   Public Policy, Economics, Social Issues 
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)   Education 
PsycARTICLES   Psychology 
PsycINFO   Psychology 
Medline   Health: Medical, Dental, Nursing 
Arts and Humanities Citation Index   Arts and Humanities (access through Web of Science) 
Book Review Digest Plus (Wilson)  Multidisciplinary 
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global   Dissertations and theses from around the world 
ProQuest Historical Newspapers  Major U.S. & International newspapers (varying coverage from late 1700s-2000s) 
USC Digital Accessibility