Law students have access to law review articles on Lexis and Westlaw (under Secondary Sources). Other sources for full-text law articles are noted below.
Nexis Uni (previously called LexisNexis Academic) provides full-text access to law journal articles. It can be accessed on the USC Libraries Databases page. On the the main Nexis Uni search page, select "Search by Subject or Topic" and then choose "Law Reviews". The Law Reviews Search page allows you to use either a Natural Language search or a Terms & Connectors search.
HeinOnline is another online source of full-text articles. This database is linked directly from the USC Law Library’s Online Resources. HeinOnline’s “Law Journal Library” includes more than 2,000 law and law-related journals. Unlike Nexis Uni, which generally only includes articles from the past 20-30 years or so (depending on the journal), HeinOnline typically includes articles going back to the very first volumes of the journals. Also, the articles on HeinOnline are PDF images from the actual print versions, which is not the case on Nexis Uni. On the other hand, HeinOnline can be a little more complicated to search. Also, due to licensing restrictions, it may take a little time (usually a year or two) for new journal issues to be added to HeinOnline.