ILP provides citation records for articles in legal periodicals with links to some full-text articles.
ILP Retrospective provides links to article citations from 1908 to 1981. Access to these databases is provided through EBSCOHost. You can search the databases separately or together. To help refine your results, limit your search to one or more of the fields located on the advanced search page.
This database, available through HeinOnline from the Law Library’s Online Resources page, provides citations to articles about foreign, comparative and international law from 1985 to the present. Materials indexed include articles from 450 journals, congressional reports, chapters in books, yearbooks, and book reviews. Materials in all languages are included. Greek, Cyrillic, and East Asian vernacular are Romanized, and Arabic and Hebrew titles are translated into English or French. Digitized copies of the print volumes from 1960-1985 are also searchable.
This database, available from the USC Libraries’ Databases Page, is an index to a variety of public-policy related publications, including academic journal articles, yearbooks, books, research reports and other resources, covering subjects as diverse as political science, international affairs, human rights, international law and government. Items indexed include works by academics, agencies, international organizations, and federal, state and local governments. PAIS International indexes material from 1972 to the present. Search PAIS Archive for material published from 1915-1972.