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Below are the electronically accessible casebooks and course supplements, organized by course number, course instructor, course name, and title. You must authenticate using your USC login information to view the books. For print course reserve books, see the Print Course Reserve Books page.
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NOTE: We are still receiving course reserve materials, so if you do not see your professor's book, please check back later.
LAW 205: Introduction to Criminal Law (Campbell): Jumpstart Criminal Law Reading and Understanding Criminal Cases and Statutes
LAW 205: Introduction to Criminal Law (Campbell): United States v. Clark
LAW 212: Immigration Law for a New America (Reisz): Immigration Law & Procedure in a Nutshell, 8th ed.
LAW 275p: Equal by Law: The History of Civil Rights Law in the United States (Rich): The Second Founding: how the Civil War and Reconstruction remade the Constitution, 1st ed.
LAW 275p: Equal by Law: The History of Civil Rights Law in the United States (Rich): Civil Rights Revolution
LAW 310: Global Justice for Mass Atrocities & Genocide (Zaverukha): International Criminal Law: Intersections and Contradictions
LAW 386: American Legal History (Logan): Saving Yellowstone
LAW 386: American Legal History (Logan): I've Been Here All the While
LAW 502: Procedure I (Agrawal): Emanuel Law Outlines for Civil Procedure, 26th ed.
LAW 503: Contracts (Curtis): Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials, 10th ed.
LAW 504: Criminal Law (Armour): Criminal Law & Its Processes, 11th ed.
LAW 504: Criminal Law (Prieto Rudolphy): Understanding Criminal Law, 9th ed.
Law 505: Legal Profession (Berman/Schreiner): Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law, 6th ed.
Law 505: Legal Profession (Berman/Schreiner): Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law: Model Rules, State Variations, and Practice Questions 2025 and 2026 Edition, 2025-2026 ed.
LAW 505: Legal Profession (Keating): Professional Responsibility: Examples and Explanations, 7th ed.
LAW 505: Legal Profession (Keating): Understanding Lawyers’ Ethics, 6th ed.
LAW 505: Legal Profession (Parente): Traversing the Ethical Minefield: Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility, 5th ed.
LAW 505: Legal Profession (Reisz): Traversing the Ethical Minefield: Problems, Law, and Professional Responsibility, 5th ed.
LAW 507: Property (Atuahene): Property Law: Rules, Policies, and Practices, 8th ed.
LAW 508: Constitutional Law: Structure (Cruz): Constitutional Law, 9th ed.
LAW 508: Constitutional Law: Structure (Cruz): Aspen Treatise for Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies, 7th ed. (Also available in print)
LAW 508: Constitutional Law: Structure (S.Rich): Constitutional Law, 9th ed. (Stone, Seidman)
LAW 532: Constitutional Law: Rights (Goodman): Constitutional Law, 7th ed. (Chemerinsky)
LAW 532: Constitutional Law: Rights (Tolson): Constitutional Law, 9th ed. (Stone, Seidman)
LAW 532: Constitutional Law: Rights (Tolson): Aspen Treatise for Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies, 7th ed. (Also available in print)
LAW 572: Practical Mediation Skills Clinic (Karagozian): The Practice of Mediation: A Video-Integrated Text, 3rd ed.
LAW 603: Business Organizations (Simkovic): Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach, 4th ed. (Sjostrom)
LAW 608: Evidence (Mavis and Dohi): Emanuel Law Outlines for Evidence, 10th ed.
LAW 622: Money in Politics (Wood): Campaign Finance: What Everyone Needs to Know (Also available in print)
LAW 622: Money in Politics (Wood): The Oxford Handbook of American Election Law (Also available in print)
LAW 626: International Investment Law and Arbitration (Yannaca-Small): Arbitration under International Investment Agreements: A Guide to the Key Issues, 2nd ed.
LAW 632: Business for Lawyers (Weinberger): Essential Concepts of Business for Lawyers, 3rd ed.
LAW 642: Secured Transactions (Amini): Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach, 9th ed.
LAW 677: Video Game Law (Nabel & Chang): Video Game Law in a Nutshell, 2nd ed.
Law 692: Public International Law (Prieto Rudolphy): International Law Frameworks, 5th ed.
LAW 705: Community Property (Spiegel): Community Property in California, 8th ed.
LAW 707: Global Health, Law and Human Rights (Gruskin): Health and Human Rights in a Changing World, 3rd ed. (Also available in print)
LAW 708: Contract Drafting, Analysis & Negotiation (Min): Drafting and Analyzing Contracts: A Guide to the Practical Application of the Principles of Contract Law, 4th ed.
LAW 709: Contract Drafting and Negotiation (Martin): Getting to Yes, 3rd. ed.
LAW 710: Contract Drafting and Analysis (Morgan): Contract Drafting: Powerful Prose in Transactional Practice, 3rd ed.
LAW 712: Negotiation Theory and Application (Peterson): Bargaining for Advantage, 3rd ed.
LAW 719: Corporate Finance (Simkovic): Corporate Finance, Third Edition (2 copies), 3rd ed.
LAW 726: Stereotypes, Prejudice, and the Rule of Law (Armour): The New Jim Crow
LAW 734: Local Government Law (Jenkins): State and Local Government in a Federal System, 9th
LAW 772: Intellectual Property (Newhouse): Intellectual Property: Examples & Explanations, 7th ed.
LAW 784: The Law and Economics of the US-China Tech Rivalry (Zhang): Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism: How the Rise of China Challenges Global Regulation
LAW 784: The Law and Economics of the US-China Tech Rivalry (Zhang): High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy (Also available in print)
LAW 789: Race, Racism and the Law (Gear Rich): Race, Racism, and American Law: Leading Cases and Materials
LAW 789: Race, Racism and the Law (Gear Rich): Race Law: Cases, Commentary, and Questions, 5th ed.
Law 804: Information Privacy Law (Sarian): Information Privacy Law, 7th ed.
LAW 817: International Arbitration (O'Malley & Durning): Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration, 7th ed.
LAW 819: ADR Ethics (Pollack): Mediation Ethics: Cases and Commentaries
LAW 871: First Amendment (Miller): First Amendment Law in a Nutshell, 6th ed.
LAW 880: Equality and Difference (Stolzenberg): Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty
LAW 880: Equality and Difference (Stolzenberg): Making All the Difference (Also available in print)
LAW 880: Equality and Difference (Stolzenberg): Part-Time for All: A Care Manifesto
LAW 880: Equality and Difference (Stolzenberg): Racial Culture (Also available in print)
LAW 880: Equality and Difference (Stolzenberg): The Neutered Mother, the Sexual Family, and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies (Also available in print)