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Print Course Reserve Books: Spring 2025

Below is a list of print casebooks and course supplements organized by course number, course name, course instructor, and title of the book.

All physical course reserve materials are now located behind the library service counter and must be checked out before use. Books check out for two hours and are not permitted to leave the library.

Please note that these materials are for 2-hour use and cannot leave the library, even for final exams. This policy is for fairness to all students, and we are unable to make exceptions. 

NOTE: We are still receiving many course reserve books and will update this list as they arrive. If you do not see your professor's book here, please check back later.

LAW 350: Law and Entrepreneurship (Chasalow): The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Law and Strategy , 5th ed.

LAW 355: Law and Homelessness (Sharma): Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City

LAW 503: Contracts (Curtis): Problems in Contract Law: Cases and Materials, 10th ed.

LAW 505: Legal Profession (Keating): Model Rules of Professional Conduct and Other Selected Standards, 2025 ed.

LAW 505: Legal Profession (Keating): Law & Ethics of Lawyering, 6th ed.

LAW 507: Property (Webster): Property: A Contemporary Approach, 6th ed.

LAW 508: Constitutional Law: Structure (Charles): Constitutional Law: An Integrated Approach, 1st ed.

LAW 508: Constitutional Law: Structure (Cruz): Aspen Treatise for Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies, 7th ed.

LAW 520: Introduction to the U.S. Legal System (Webster): Introduction to the Law and Legal System of the United States, 6th ed.

LAW 532: Constitutional Law: Rights (Tolson): Aspen Treatise for Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies, 7th ed.

LAW 579: Global Regulatory Compliance (Peck): Global Business Law , 4th ed.

LAW 600: Taxation (Nam): Federal Income Taxation, Principles and Policies, 9th ed.

LAW 603: Business Organizations (Simkovic): Business Organizations: A Transactional Approach, 2nd ed.

LAW 607:  Gifts Wills and Trusts (Prouty): Wills, Trusts, and Estates, A Contemporary Approach, 2nd ed.

LAW 608: Evidence (Kenneth): Fisher's Evidence, 4th ed.

LAW 608: Evidence (Kenneth): Federal Rules of Evidence 2024 Statutory and Case Supplement to Fisher's Evidence, 4th ed.

LAW 613: California Civil Procedure (Borenstein): Cases and Materials on California Civil Procedure, 6th ed.

LAW 622: Money in Politics (Wood): Election Law: Cases and Materials, 7th ed.

LAW 622: Money in Politics (Wood): Campaign Finance: What Everyone Needs to Know, 1st ed.

LAW 622: Money in Politics (Wood): The Oxford Handbook of American Election Law, 1st ed.

LAW 624: Water Law (Garner and Byrne): California Water, 3rd ed.

LAW 637 International Trade Policy (Peck): Legal Problems of International Economic Relations, 7th ed.

LAW 652: Computer Crime Law (Decker): Computer Crime Law, 5th ed. 

LAW 658: Mergers and Acquisitions (Easton): The Law of Mergers & Acquisitions, 5th ed.

LAW 658: Mergers and Acquisitions (Strulson): Mergers and Acquisitions Law, 2nd ed.

LAW 681: Analytical Methods for Lawyers (Wood): Analytical Methods for Lawyers, 3rd ed.

LAW 689: Digital Media Transactions (Imp): The Biz: the basic business, legal and financial aspects of the film industry in a digital world , 6th ed.

LAW 707: Global Health, Law and Human Rights (Gruskin): Health and Human Rights in a Changing World, 3rd ed.

LAW 708: Contract Drafting, Analysis & Negotiation (Schwarz-Gondek and Yamaguchi): The Elements of Contract Drafting, 5th ed.

LAW 708: Contract Drafting, Analysis & Negotiation (Schwarz-Gondek and Yamaguchi): Working With Contracts: What Law School Doesn't Teach You, 2nd ed.

LAW 709: Contract Drafting and Negotiation (Hagle): The Elements of Contract Drafting, 5th ed.

LAW 709: Contract Drafting and Negotiation (Martin): Getting to Yes, 3rd ed.

LAW 712: Negotiation Theory and Application (Peterson): Bargaining for Advantage, 3rd ed.

LAW 712: Negotiation Theory and Application (Peterson): Getting to Yes, 3rd ed.

LAW 715: ADR Law and Policy: Mediation and Arbitration (Jeong and Galliher): Resolving Disputes: Theory, Practice, and Law, 3rd ed.

LAW 719: Corporate Finance (Simkovic): Corporate Finance, 2nd ed.

LAW 726: Stereotypes, Prejudice, and the Rule of Law (Armour): Negrophobia & Reasonable Racism, 1997 ed.

LAW 726: Stereotypes, Prejudice, and the Rule of Law (Armour): N*gga Theory: Race, Language, Unequal Justice, and the Law, 2020 ed.

LAW 749: Securities Regulation (Barry): Securities Regulation, Cases and Analysis, 6th ed.

LAW 750: Federal Indian Law (Bodmer): Federal Indian Law, 7th ed.

LAW 764: International Business Transactions (Powell): International Business Transactions: Problems, Cases, and Materials, 5th ed.

LAW 775: Immigration Law (Frenzen): Immigration and Citizenship: Process and Policy, 9th ed.

Law 777: Adminstrative Law and Regulatory Policy (Hickman): Administrative Law and Policy

LAW 784: The Law and Economics of the US-China Tech Rivalry (Zhang): High Wire: How China Regulates Big Tech and Governs Its Economy

LAW 789: Race, Racism and the Law (Atuahene): Stamped from the Beginning

LAW 789: Race, Racism and the Law (Baldwin Clark): Race and Races: Cases and Resources for a Diverse America, 4th ed.

LAW 789: Race, Racism and the Law (Gear Rich): Racial Justice and Law: Cases and Materials, 1st ed.

LAW 793: International Taxation (Jurow Kleiman): United States International Taxation, 5th ed.

LAW 801: Venture Capital and Emerging Companies (Voxman): The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Law and Strategy , 5th ed.

LAW 813: Arbitration in the United States (Khoury): Arbitration: Law, Policy, and Practice, 2nd ed. 

LAW 816: Dealmaking in the Entertainment Industry (Floyd): Dealmaking in the Film and Television Industry, 4th ed.

LAW 817: International Arbitration (O'Malley and Durning): Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration, 7th ed.

LAW 821: Trial Advocacy (Escalante): Flinders v. Mismo, 11th ed.

LAW 821: Trial Advocacy (Escalante): State v. Burns, 7th ed.

LAW 821: Trial Advocacy (Escalante): Trial Advocacy Before Judges, Jurors, and Arbitrators, 6th ed.

LAW 821: Trial Advocacy (Escalante): Supplement to Trial Advocacy Before Judges, Jurors, and Arbitrators (Coursebook), 6th ed.

LAW 821: Trial Advocacy (Wittcoff): Evidentiary Foundations, 12th ed.

LAW 821: Trial Advocacy (Wittcoff): Trial Techniques and Trials, 12th ed.

LAW 871 First Amendment (Miller): First Amendment, 3rd ed.

LAW 880: Equality and Difference (Stolzenberg): Making All the Difference

LAW 880: Equality and Difference (Stolzenberg): The Neutered Mother, the Sexual Family, and Other Twentieth Century Tragedies

LAW 880: Equality and Difference (Stolzenberg): Racial Culture

LAW 880: Equality and Difference (Stolzenberg): Who's Afraid of Gender?

LAW 887: Religious Freedom and its Limits (Nomi Stolzenberg): Religion and the Constitution, 5th ed.

The following reference books are located behind the library service counter and are available by request:

The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 21st ed. (Four Copies Available)

The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style, 5th ed.

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