The Foreign Law Guide is one of the most useful resources for locating foreign legislation. For each country, a list of subjects will often include references and links to legislation, useful government sites, and translations. This is a subscription resource accessible with your USC ID.
This free website provides an extensive array of sources and links to legislation worldwide. Click on "All Countries" on the left, select a country, and then select "Legislation" for a list of sources (including databases on WorldLII and links to other sources).
Both Lexis (USC Gould only) and Westlaw (USC Gould only) provide access to legislation for a limited number of jurisdictions. has legislation from the following countries: Canada, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, and the U.K. Please note that Lexis's foreign law content has not yet migrated to Lexis Advance but is likely to do so in the near future.
WestlawNext is more limited and currently has legislation from the European Union, Hong Kong, Korea, Scotland and the U.K. Be sure to check Lexis and Westlaw for the most up-to-date coverage information.
See also World Patent Law and Practice (Law Library Third Floor, K1505.4 .B35)