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English Medieval Legal Documents Database

A Compilation of Published Sources from 600 to 1535

Private Legal Documents

The distinction between real and personal property is emphasized in the history of wills. By the time of Glanvill it was conceded that the ecclesiastical courts had sole jurisdiction over deathbed gifts of personal property. However, no rights were allowed to the ecclesiastical courts regarding real property, and their rules ceased to have any effect on the land law. (Potter, Harold, and Albert K. R. Kiralfy. Potter's Historical Introduction to English Law and Its Institutions. 4th ed. London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1958 at p.562) For a detailed list of publications on wills and intestacies, see Maxwell. (Maxwell, William Harold, and Leslie F. Maxwell , comps. A Legal Bibliography of the British Commonwealth of Nations. 8 Vols. 2nd ed. London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1955 at pp.490-6)

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