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Handbooks of Procedure and Pleading
Consuetudines Diversarum Curiarum (Appendix to Select Cases of Procedure Without Writ under Henry III)
Consuetudines Diversarum Curiarum . SS, 60 for 1941. London: Quaritch, 1941.
Abstract: A tract E of about the year 1240 explaining judicial procedure in civil and ecclesiastical cases and criminal procedures at Assizes. Published as an appendix to Richardson and Sayles Select cases of procedure without writ under Henry III (SS, Vol. 60 for 1941)
Casus Placitorum, and Reports of the Cases in the King's Courts, 1272-1278
Dunham, William H., ed. Casus Placitorum, and Reports of the Cases in the King's Courts, 1272-1278 . SS, 69 for 1950. London: Quaritch, 1952.
Abstract: Text in English. The Casus resembles an annotated casebook based on judicial decisions delivered during the reign of Henry III... Reports appear to be contemporary reports of cases decided in the period around 1250 mainly in the Court of Common Pleas and at the eyres in the country.
A Mannor and Court Baron (Harleian MS. 6714)
Green, J. Samuel. A Mannor and Court Baron (Harleian MS. 6714) . Manorial Society's Publications, 3. London: The Manorial Society, 1909.
Notes: Also available online in MOML (subscription database)
Abstract: Reproduces the text of the Harleian MS. (No. 6714) in the British Museum.
Pleas of the Crown, or, A Methodical Summary of the Principal Matters Relating to That Subject .
Hale, Matthew. Pleas of the Crown, or, A Methodical Summary of the Principal Matters Relating to That Subject . London: Printed by the assigns of Richard Atkyns and Edward Atkyns Esquires, for William Shrewsbury ... and John Leigh ..., 1716.
Notes: 1682 and 1678 editions also available online in EEBO; 1707 edition available in ECCO; 1716 edition available in Modern Economy (subscription databases)
Abstract: An early treatise on criminal pleadings.
Historia Placitorum Coronae=The History of the Pleas of the Crown
Hale, Matthew, and Sollom Emlyn, ed. Historia Placitorum Coronae=The History of the Pleas of the Crown. 2 Vols. London: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling for F. Gyles , 1736.
Notes: 1800 and 1847 editions also available online in MOML; 1847 edition also available online in HeinOnline? (subscription databases)
Abstract: An early treatise on pleadings.
Radulphi De Hengham Summae
Hengham, Ralph de, and William H. Dunham, ed. Radulphi De Hengham Summae. Ed. by William Huse Dunham . Cambridge Studies in English Legal History, 8. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1932.
Abstract: Text in Latin. Hengham's Summa Magna and Summa Parva are two little treatises on procedure, dealing with essoins, defaults, writs etc. Probably written before 1290. Hengham, Chief Justice of the king's bench, died in 1311.
Placita Corone, or La Corone Pledee Devant Justices
Kaye, J. M., ed. and trans. Placita Corone, or La Corone Pledee Devant Justices. Selden Society Supplementary Series, 4. London: Selden Society, 1966.
Abstract: A French treatise on various aspects of criminal law, with accompanying English translation. The date of the original manuscripts is uncertain, probably early fourteenth century. The earliest datable event cited in the text is 1274.
Le Court Leete, Et Court Baron, Collect Per Iohn Kytchin De Greys Inne Vn Appre(n)Tice En Le Ley, Et Les Cases Et Matters Necessaries Pur Seneschals De Ceux Courts a Scier, Pur Les Students De Les Measons De Chauncerie.
Kitchin, John, ed. Le Court Leete, Et Court Baron, Collect Per Iohn Kytchin De Greys Inne Vn Appre(n)Tice En Le Ley, Et Les Cases Et Matters Necessaries Pur Seneschals De Ceux Courts a Scier, Pur Les Students De Les Measons De Chauncerie. London: Richard Tottell, 1580.
Notes: The 1580, 1581, 1585, 1587, & 1592 editions also available online in EEBO (subscription database)
Abstract: Other titles: Retorna breuium; Retorna brevium; Returna brevium.
A Newe Boke of Presidentes in Maner of a Register, Wherin Is Comprehended the Very Trade of Makyng All Maner Euydence and Instrumentes of Practyse, Ryght Commodyous and Necessary for Euery Man to Knowe
Phayer, Thomas. A Newe Boke of Presidentes in Maner of a Register, Wherin Is Comprehended the Very Trade of Makyng All Maner Euydence and Instrumentes of Practyse, Ryght Commodyous and Necessary for Euery Man to Knowe. London: Edward Whytchurche , 1543.
Notes: Also available online in EEBO (subscription database)
Abstract: At least 18 editions were published before 1600. A comprehensive collection of all kinds of legal documents, besides a calendar of court sessions.
Legal and Manorial Formularies
Ratcliff, Sidney C., A. J. Collins , and Bertram Schofield , eds. Legal and Manorial Formularies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1933.
Abstract: Text in Latin. Edited from original manuscripts dating to about 1300 in the British Museum and the PRO.
Readings and Moots at the Inns of Court in the Fifteenth Century
Thorne, Samuel E., ed. Readings and Moots at the Inns of Court in the Fifteenth Century. SS, 71 for 1952. London: Quaritch, 1953.
Abstract: Translations of Norman-French manuscripts of readings from the early and middle part of the fifteenth century. The 'old statutes' of Henry III and Edward I were the main subjects studied.
Brevia Placitata
Turner, George J., ed. Brevia Placitata. SS, 66 for 1947. London: Quaritch, 1951.
Abstract: A 13th century treatise in Norman French on pleading in the King's courts. It appears to have been written in 1260 and contains the earliest collection of common law pleadings, dating from the mid-thirteenth century.
The Liber Pauperum of Vacarius
Vacarius, and Francis de Zulueta, ed. The Liber Pauperum of Vacarius. SS, 44 for 1927. London: Quaritch, 1927.
Abstract: "An edition in nine books of Vacarius' epitome and gloss of the Roman 'Corpus Juris.' ... An important contribution to medieval civil law studies."
Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts: a Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Woodbine, George E., and Ralph de Hengham, ed. Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts: a Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. New Haven: Yale University Press , 1910.
Notes: Also available online in MOML (subscription database)
Abstract: Contents: Introduction; Fet Asaver; Judicium Essoniorum; Modus Componendi Brevia; Exceptiones ad Cassandum Brevia.
The First Code of English Law
Wormald, Patrick, ed. The First Code of English Law . Canterbury: Canterbury Commemoration Society , 2005.
Abstract: Includes: Fet Asaver; Judicium Essoniorum; Modus Componendi Brevia; Exceptiones ad Cassandum Brevia.
The Court Baron: Being Precedents for Use in Seignorial and Other Local Courts, Together with Select Pleas from the Bishop of Ely's Court of Littleport
Maitland, Frederic W., and W. Paley Baildon, eds. The Court Baron. SS, 4 for 1890. London: Quaritch, 1891.
Abstract: "This book consists of five parts. Four of these are texts of old tracts on the holding of feudal courts, viz. La Court de Baron 1280, De Placitis et Curiis Tenendis 1270, Modus tenendi Curias 1307 and 1342. The fifth section is a record of pleas tried in the court of the Bishop of Ely, at Littleport, 1285-1327.
A Colleccion of Entrees, of Declaracions, Barres, Replicacions, Reioinders, Issues, Verdits, Iudgements, Executions, Proces, Contynuances, Essoynes, & Diuers Others Matters...
Rastell, William, ed. A Colleccion of Entrees, of Declaracions, Barres, Replicacions, Reioinders, Issues, Verdits, Iudgements, Executions, Proces, Contynuances, Essoynes, & Diuers Others Matters... London: Richardi Tottell, 1566.
Notes: Also available online in EEBO (subscription database)
Abstract: Mostly in Latin, partly in Law French. A systematic subject arrangement of legal forms and entries.
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