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Guide to Online Secondary Sources: Antitrust Law and Trade Regulation

Guide to Secondary Legal Resources on Lexis and Westlaw

Antitrust Law and Trade Regulation (see also --Business and Nonprofit Entities; --Commercial Law; --Consumer Protection Law; --Health Law; --Media, Communications... Law; --Mergers & Acquisitions; --Trademark and Unfair Competition Law)



Author(s) or Editor(s)
U.S. Federal (primarily) 
Antitrust Laws and Trade Regulation (Lexis)
Julian von Kalinowski et al. 
Matthew Bender & Co.
Primarily U.S. federal with some international (EU and Canada)
Antitrust Laws and Trade Regulation:  Desk Edition (Lexis)
Julian von. Kalinowski et al.
Matthew Bender & Co.
Abridged version of the treatise Antitrust Laws and Trade Regulation
Federal Antitrust Law (Lexis)
Earl Kintner et al.
Matthew Bender & Co.
Focus on the FTC
Antitrust Adviser (Westlaw)
Irving Scher and Scott Martin, eds.
Thomson Reuters
Antitrust Law Handbook (Westlaw)
William Holmes and Melissa Mangiaracina
Thomson Reuters
Provides an overview of antitrust law and practice
Antitrust Basics (Lexis)
Thomas V. Vakerics
Law Journal Press
Some international coverage
Corporate Counsel's Antitrust Deskbook (Westlaw)
William M. Hannay
Thomson Reuters
Provides an overview of antitrust law and compliance
Federal Control of Business: Antitrust Laws (Westlaw)
Austin T. Stickells
Thomson Reuters
Some state coverage
Corporate Counsel's Guide to Relations with Competitors (Westlaw
Publisher's Editorial Staff
Thomson Reuters
Some state coverage
Corporate Counsel's Guide to the Robinson-Patman Act (Westlaw)
Publisher's Editorial Staff
Thomson Reuters
Antitrust and American Business Abroad (Westlaw)
Spencer Weber Waller and Andre Fiebig
Thomson Reuters
Some European Union and North American coverage
Scope limited to international antitrust
Corporate Counsel's Guide to International Antitrust (Westlaw)
Publisher's Editorial Staff
Thomson Reuters
Also covers European Union, Japan, and other selected foreign countries
International Trade and U.S. Antitrust Law (Westlaw)
Jeffrey L. Kessler and Spencer Weber Waller
Thomson Reuters
Callmann on Unfair Competition, Trademarks & Monopolies (Westlaw)
Louis Altman and Malla Pollack 
Thomson Reuters
Some U.S. state and European Union coverage
Scope broader than antitrust law
Federal Trade Commission (Westlaw)
Stephanie W. Kanwit
Thomson Reuters
Focuses on FTC procedures (scope broader than antitrust law)
Federal Trade Commission:  Law, Practice and Procedure (Lexis)                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Peter C. Ward
Law Journal Press
Includes applications of federal law to overseas activities
Designing an Effective Antitrust Compliance Program (Westlaw) 
William M. Hannay
Thomson Reuters
Some U.S. state, European Union, and selected foreign country coverage
Materials on Antitrust Compliance (Westlaw)
Publisher's Editorial Staff
Thomson Reuters
Some U.S. state and international coverage
Health Care and Antitrust Law (Westlaw)
John J. Miles
Thomson Reuters
Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law (Westlaw)
William C. Holmes
Thomson Reuters
Legal Aspects of Selling and Buying (Westlaw)
Philip F. Zeidman, ed.
Thomson Reuters
Some U.S. state and European Union coverage
Annual Review of Antitrust Law Developments (2020) (Bloomberg)   American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section Some U.S. state and international commerce coverage
Antitrust Law Developments (Bloomberg)   American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section Some U.S. state and international commerce coverage
Mergers and Acquisitions: Understanding the Antitrust Issue (Bloomberg)   American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section Primarily focused on Mergers and Acquisitions, some multinational transacton coverage
Antitrust Law:  An Analysis of Antitrust Principles and Their Application (VitalLaw) Phillip E. Areeda and Herbert Hovenkamp VitalLaw Some U.S. state coverage
Antitrust and Trade Regulation Law Guide -- Basic Rules (VitalLaw)   VitalLaw Some U.S. state coverage
Antitrust Compliance (Westlaw)   Westlaw  
International / Foreign
Competition Law of the European Union (Lexis)
Valentine Korah et al. 
Matthew Bender & Co.
European Competition Laws (Lexis)
Frank L. Fine
Matthew Bender & Co.
28 european countries and the E.U.
European Merger Control Law (Lexis)
Nicholas Levy and Christopher Cook
Matthew Bender & Co.
U.S. overview included
Getting the Deal Through: Private Antitrust Litigation (Lexis)
Elizabeth Morony
Law Business Research Ltd.
15 foreign nations, the E.U., and the U.S.
Getting the Deal Through: Merger Control (Lexis)
Thomas Janssens
Law Business Research Ltd.
U.S. and 14 foreign nations
Competition Laws Outside the United 
States (Lexis)
American Bar Association Antitrust Practice Section
15 foreign nations
Merger Control in China (Lexis)
Jianzhong Shi and Yang Yang
Matthew Bender & Co.
Gray Markets: Prevention, Detection and Litigation (Lexis)
Eric E. Benson
Getting the Deal Through: Product Recall (Lexis) Law Business Research Ltd. 8 foreign nations
California Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law (Lexis)
Courtney Palko, ed.,
Matthew Bender & Co.
Some federal


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