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Guide to Online Secondary Sources: Computer/Internet Law

Guide to Secondary Legal Resources on Lexis and Westlaw

Computer/Internet Law (see also: --Media, Communications & Entertainment Law, --Privacy, Freedom of Information, and Cybersecurity Law)


Title Author(s) or Editor(s) Publisher


U.S. (primarily)

E-Commerce and Internet Law (Westlaw)

Ian C. Ballon

Thomson Reuters

U.S. federal primarily (some U.S. state & local as well as international coverage)

Law of the Internet (Lexis) Lawrence F. Street Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal primarily (some mention of international)
Internet and Online Law (Lexis) Kent D. Stuckey Law Journal Press U.S. federal with some international 
McGrady on Social Media (Lexis) Paul D. McGrady Jr.  Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state
The Law of Electronic Commercial Transactions (Lexis) Raymond T. Nimmer and Holly K. Towle A.S. Pratt Primarily U.S. federal
Cloud Computing Legal Deskbook (Westlaw) Gregory P. Barbee and Christopher E. Hale (Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton, LLP) Thomson Reuters U.S. federal and state 
Internet Marketing and Consumer Protection (Westlaw) Andrew Serwin Thomson Reuters U.S. federal, California, and New York 
Computer Contracts (Lexis) Esther C. Roditti Matthew Bender & Co. Primarily U.S. federal with some international computer-related conventions, regulations, and directives
Drafting Internet Agreements (VitalLaw) Gregory J. Battersby, Charles W. Grimes, and Leonard T. Nuara CCH Incorporated   
Law of Electronic Commerce (VitalLaw) Jane K. Winn and Benjamin Wright CCH Incorporated  
Law of the Internet (VitalLaw) George B. Delta and Jeffrey H. Matsuura  CCH Incorporated  
Scott on Multimedia Law (VitalLaw) Michael D. Scott  CCH Incorporated  
Foreign / International
International Computer Law (Lexis) Ernst J. Louwers Matthew Bender & Co. More than 65 foreign countries and the EU
Getting the Deal Through: Cloud Computing (Lexis)

Law Business Research, Ltd and

LexisNexis (Firm)

Law Business Research Ltd.

11 foreign countries and the U.S.


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