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Guide to Online Secondary Sources: Civil Rights Law

Guide to Secondary Legal Resources on Lexis and Westlaw

Civil Rights Law (see also: --Constitutional Law, --Disabilities Law, --Employment/Labor Law; --Health Law)


Title Author(s) or Editor(s) Publisher



U.S. Federal - General
Federal Civil Rights Acts (Westlaw)
Rodney A. Smolla
Thomson Reuters
Covers a wide range of anti-discrimination statutes
Civil Rights Actions (Lexis) Joseph G. Cook and John L. Sobieski, Jr Matthew Bender & Co. Historical and current legislation as well as the relation between State and Federal courts. 
U.S. Federal (primarily) - Government Discrimination
Government Discrimination: Equal Protection Law and Litigation (Westlaw)
James A. Kushner
Thomson Reuters
Some state coverage
Constitutional and statutory protections
State and Local Government Civil Rights Liability (Westlaw) Ivan E. Bodensteiner and Rosalie Berger Levinson Thomson Reuters
U.S. - Employment Discrimination (generally)
Larson on Employment Discrimination (Lexis) Lex K. Larson Matthew Bender & Co. Federal and state
Employment Discrimination Coordinator (Westlaw) Publisher's Editorial Staff Thomson Reuters Federal and state
Fair Employment Practices (HR Series) (Westlaw) Publisher's Editorial Staff Thomson Reuters Federal and state
Employee Rights Litigation: Pleading and Practice (Lexis) Janice Goodman Matthew Bender & Co. Federal and state
Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity Practice Guide (Lexis) Benjamin E. Wick & Holly V. Franson Matthew Bender & Co. Federal sector EEO complaints
Employment Discrimination Law and Litigation (Westlaw) Merrick T. Rossein Thomson Reuters Federal primarily (some U.S. state and local coverage regarding sexual orientation discrimination)
Litigating Employment Discrimination Cases (Lexis) Andrew H. Friedman James Publishing Federal and state
Manual on Employment Discrimination and Civil Rights Actions in the Federal Courts (Westlaw)
Charles R. Richey
Thomson Reuters
Federal primarily (some state coverage)
Defense of Equal Employment Claims (Westlaw)
John F. Buckley IV and Michael R. Lindsay
Thomson Reuters
U.S. Code Section 1983 Litigation (primarily)
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Litigation:  The Law of Section 1983 (Westlaw)
Sheldon H. Nahmod
Thomson Reuters
Handbook of Section 1983 Litigation (Westlaw)
David W. Lee
Wolters Kluwer
Section 1983 Litigation: Claims and Defenses (Westlaw)
Martin A. Schwartz
Wolters Kluwer
Sword and Shield:  A Practical Approach to Section 1983 Litigation (Westlaw) Mary Massaron Ross and Edwin P. Voss, Jr. American Bar Association
Police Misconduct: Law and Litigation (Westlaw)
Michael Avery et al.
Thomson Reuters
Also covers U.S. Constitution and some other legal bases for claims 
Police Civil Liability (Lexis) Isidore Silver Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal law
U.S. Federal (primarily) - Age Discrimination 
Age Discrimination (Westlaw
Howard C. Eglit
Thomson Reuters
Some state coverage
Litigating Age Discrimination Cases (Westlaw) Andrew J. Ruzicho, Louis A. Jacobs, and Andrew J. Ruzicho II Thomson Reuters Some state coverage
U.S. - Sex and Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Sex-Based Employment Discrimination (Westlaw) Susan M. Omilian and Jean P. Kamp Thomson Reuters Federal primarily (some state and local coverage)
Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (Lexis) Lawrence Solotoff & Henry S. Kramer Law Journal Press Federal and state
Sexual Harassment Training and Prevention Manual (Lexis) Richard S. Simmons Castle Publications Federal and California
Sexual Orientation and the Law (Westlaw) Karen Moulding Thomson Reuters Federal and state
LGBTQ Employment Law Practice Guide (Lexis) Donald C. Davis & John L. Litchfield Matthew Bender & Co. Federal and state
U.S. - Housing Discrimination
Housing Discrimination:  Law and Litigation (Westlaw)
Robert G. Schwemm
Thomson  Reuters
Federal primarily (some state and local coverage)
Housing Discrimination Practice Manual (Westlaw)
John P. Relman
Thomson Reuters
U.S. - Miscellaneous
Education Law: First Amendment, Due Process, and Discrimination Litigation (Westlaw)
Ronna Greff Schneider
Thomson Reuters
Federal primarily (some state coverage)
Education Law (Lexis Civil Rights & Strategy Series) (Lexis) James A. Rapp Matthew Bender & Co. Federal and state
Federal Health Care Laws (Lexis Civil Rights & Strategy Series) (Lexis) Valarie K. Blake Matthew Bender & Co. Federal
Hate Crimes Law (Westlaw)
Zachary Wolfe
Thomson Reuters
Federal and state
Rights of Prisoners (Law Library Closed Reserve) (Westlaw) Michael B. Mushlin Thomson Reuters Federal primarily (focus on U.S. constitutional law)
California (primarily)
California Fair Housing and Public Accommodations (Westlaw)
Phyllis W. Cheng, Ann M. Noel, and Susan Saylor, eds.
Thomson Reuters (The Rutter Group)
Also covers the federal Americans with Disabilities Act
California Civil Practice: Civil Rights Litigation (Westlaw)
Harold E. Kahn
Thomson Reuters
Employment Discrimination and EEO Practice Manual for California Employers (Lexis) Richard J. Simmons Castle Publications  Federal and California


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