Title | Author(s) or Editor(s) | Publisher |
U.S. Federal (primarily) | |||
Nimmer on Copyright (Lexis) | Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer | Matthew Bender & Co. | U.S. federal |
The Law of Copyright (Westlaw) | Howard B. Abrams and Tyler T. Ochoa | Thomson Reuters |
Some international coverage Coverage includes substantive and procedural law, copyright registration, and licensing |
Patry on Copyright (Westlaw) | William F. Patry | Thomson Reuters |
Some international coverage Coverage includes substantive and procedural law, copyright registration, and licensing |
Copyright Law in Business and Practice (Westlaw) |
John W. Hazard, Jr. |
Thomson Reuters |
Some international coverage Coverage includes substantive and procedural law, copyright registration, and licensing |
Corporate Counsel's Guide to Copyright Law (Westlaw) |
Publisher's Editorial Staff |
Thomson Reuters |
Some international coverage Coverage includes substantive and procedural law, copyright registration, and licensing |
Associate's Guide to the Practice of Copyright Law (Lexis) | Meaghan H. Kent & Joshua J. Kaufman | LexisNexis | Some international coverage |
Cyberlaw: Intellectual Property in the Digital Millennium (Lexis) | Jay Dratler Jr. | Law Journal Press | Focus on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act |
Patry on Fair Use (Westlaw) | William F. Patry | Thomson Reuters |
Some international coverage Focuses solely on the "fair use" doctrine in copyright law |
Copyright Registration Practice (Westlaw) | James E. Hawes and Bernard C. Dietz | Thomson Reuters |
Some international and foreign coverage Primary focus on the copyright registration process (with some discussion of the substantive law) |
Copyright Litigation Handbook (Westlaw) | Raymond J. Dowd | Thomson Reuters |
Primary focus on the litigation process (with some discussion of the substantive law) |
Copyright and the Public Domain (Lexis) | ALM | Law Journal Press | Some international |
Patent, Copyright, and Trademark: An Intellectual Property Desk Reference (Bloomberg) | Richard Stim | NOLO Law for All | Primer on Partent, Copyright and Trademark Law |
Copyright Law Deskbook (Bloomberg) | Ralph Oman | Bureau of National Affairs | |
Foreign and International (primarily) | |||
World Copyright Law (Westlaw) | Trevor Cook, ed. | Thomson Reuters |
Some U.S. coverage Coverage includes substantive law, copyright registration, and licensing |
Copyright Throughout the World (Westlaw) | Silke von Lewinski, ed. | Thomson Reuters |
Foreign primarily (over 25 countries, including U.S.) Coverage includes substantive and procedural law, copyright registration, and licensing |
International Copyright Law and Practice (Lexis) | Paul Edward Geller; Melville B. Nimmer,and Paul Edward Geller | Matthew Bender & Co. | 22 foreign countries and the U.S. |
Getting the Deal Through: Copyright (Lexis) | Andrew H. Bart et al. | Law Business Research Ltd. | 13 foreign countries and the U.S. |