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Guide to Online Secondary Sources: International Trade/Investment Law

Guide to Secondary Legal Resources on Lexis and Westlaw

International Trade/Investment Law


Title Author(s) or Editor(s) Publisher


Law of Transnational Business Transactions (Westlaw)
Ved P. Nanda and Ralph B. Lake





International Business Transactions (Westlaw) Ralph H. Folsom Thomson Reuters  
Transnational Law in Commercial Legal Practice (Westlaw) Center for Transnational Law Central Center for Transnational Law, Quadis Focus on UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Principles of European Contract Law and CENTRAL-List of Principles, Rules and Standards of the Lex Mercatoria
International Business Planning: Law and Taxation (Lexis)

William P. Streng, Jeswald W. Salacuse, and William H. Byrnes.

Matthew Bender & Co. International trade transactions, foreign investment transactions, international dispute settlement, and tax planning for international business transactions corporations.
U.S., EU and UN Sanctions: Navigating the Divide for International Business (Bloomberg) Adam M. Smith, Stephanie Connor, and Richard W. Roeder Bureau of National Affairs  
International Practitioners Deskbook Series: The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the New International Norms (Bloomberg) Stuart H. Deming  American Bar Association  
International Pracitioners Deskbook Series: Trade Remedies for Global Companies (Bloomberg) Timothy C. Brightbill American Bar Association  
International Practitioners Deskbook Series: U.S. Customs - A Practitioner's Guide to Principles, Process, and Procedures (Bloomberg) John B. Brew et al. American Bar Association  
Corporate Counsel Guides: Understanding Asia (Bloomberg) Dennis Unkovic American Bar Association   
European Union Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings: An Introductory Analysis (Bloomberg) Bob Wessels and Ilya Kokorin  American Bankruptcy Institute   
Due Diligence for Global Deal Making (Bloomberg) Linda D. Arrington et al. John Wiley and Sons   
Foreign Affairs Manual (Westlaw) United States Department of State    
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws (Westlaw) Joseph Pattison Thomson West  
International Trade      
International Trade Practice (Westlaw)

Harvey Kaye, et al.





Law and Practice of United States Regulation of International Trade (Westlaw) Publisher's Editorial Staff Thomson Reuters  
U.S. Customs and International Trade Guide (Lexis) Peter Buck Feller and Matthew T. McGrath Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and international legislation and trade agreements
Laws of International Trade (Westlaw) Publisher's Editorial Staff Thomson Reuters  
Guide to the International Sale of Goods Convention (Westlaw) Publisher's Editorial Staff Thomson Reuters  
United States Export Controls (Lexis) John R. Liebman et al. Law Journal Press  
International Exporting Agreements (Lexis) Randall K. Anderson Matthew Bender & Co. General international with some focus on Iran, the EU, and on the NAFTA
International Agency & Distribution Agreements (Lexis) Thomas F. Clasen Matthew Bender & Co. Foreign sales agency and distribution agreements with more than 60 foreign countries' local laws governing use and termination of agents and distributors 
International Commercial Transactions (Westlaw) Maryland Institute for Continuing Professional Education of Lawyers Maryland Institute for Continuing Professional Education of Lawyers  Provides guidance to attorneys of various experience levels on International commercial transactions
International Investment      
Manual of Foreign Investment in the United States (Westlaw) J. Eugene Marans, et al. Thomson Reuters  
International Regulation of Finance and Investment (Westlaw)

Raphael J. Rabalais

Thomson Reuters  
Transnational Joint Ventures (Westlaw) Publisher's Editorial Staff West


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