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Guide to Online Secondary Sources: Education Law

Guide to Secondary Legal Resources on Lexis and Westlaw

Education Law (see also Civil Rights Law)


Title Author(s) or Editor(s) Publisher


Education Law:  First Amendment, Due Process, and Discrimination Litigation (Westlaw)

Ronna Greff Schneider

Thomson Reuters

U.S. federal primarily (some state/local law coverage)

Covers constitutional law and civil rights statutes related to education

Education Law (Lexis) James Rapp Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state
Education Law (Lexis) Charles J. Russo & Ralph D. Mawdsley Law Journal Press U.S. federal and state

Checklists for Searches & Seizures in Public Schools  (Westlaw)

Thomson Reuters

Lentz School Security (Westlaw)

Mary A. Lentz Thomson Reuters U.S. federal and state
School Violence: From Discipline to Due Process (Westlaw) James C. Hanks American Bar Association


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