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Guide to Online Secondary Sources: Civil Procedure/Litigation (U.S. Federal)

Guide to Secondary Legal Resources on Lexis and Westlaw

Civil Procedure/Litigation (U.S. Federal)


Title Author(s) or Editor(s) Publisher



Federal Practice & Procedure (Wright & Miller)


Charles A, Wright

Arthur R. Miller

Thomson Reuters

U.S. federal

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules & Commentary (Westlaw) Steven S. Gensler and Lumen N. Mulligan Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Federal Civil Procedure Litigation Manual (Lexis) Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal
Federal Litigation Guide (Lexis) Jenner & Block Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal
Pre-Trial Procedure
Federal Civil Procedure Before Trial, California & Ninth Circuit Edition (The Rutter Group Practice Guide) (Westlaw) William W. Schwarzer, A. Wallace Tashima, James M. Wagstaffe, and Rutter Group

The Rutter Group, a division of Thomson Reuters

U.S. federal, focus on California and Ninth Circuit
Federal Civil Procedure Before Trial, National Edition (The Rutter Group Practice Guide) (Westlaw)

William W. Schwarzer, A. Wallace Tashima, James M. Wagstaffe, and Rutter Group

The Rutter Group, a division of Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Federal Pretrial Civil Procedure in California (Lexis) Richard B. Kendall et al.  Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal, focus on California
Federal Civil Procedure Before Trial (The Wagstaffe Group Practice Guide) (Lexis) Wagstaffe Group Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal

Federal Summary Judgment & Related Termination Motions (The Rutter Group, Civil Litigation Series) (Westlaw)

David N. Finley and Stephanie Hoit Lee The Rutter Group, a division of Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Handbook of Federal Civil Discovery and Disclosure, 4th (Westlaw) Jay E. Grenig and Jeffrey S. Kinsler Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Discovery Proceedings in Federal Court (Westlaw) West Editorial Staff Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Electronic Discovery (Lexis) Law Journal Press Law Journal Press U.S. federal
Pretrial Discovery Strategy and Tactics (Westlaw) Edward Imwikelried Thomson Reuters  
Trial Procedure

Federal Civil Trials & Evidence (The Rutter Group Practice Guide) (Westlaw) (Closed Reserve) Robert E. Jones, et al. The Rutter Group, a division of Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Federal Trial Handbook: Civil (Westlaw) Stephen E. Arthur and Robert S. Hunter Thomson/West U.S. federal
Navigating the Federal Trial (Westlaw) Robert E. Larsen Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
O'Connor's Federal Rules - Civil Trials (Westlaw) Michael C. Smith Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Federal Motions in Limine (The Rutter Group, Civil Litigation Series) (Westlaw) Stephanie Hoit Lee, David N. Finley and Rutter Group The Rutter Group, a division of Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Federal Trial Guide (Lexis) George E. Golomb and Earl Johnson, Jr. Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal
Appellate Procedure
Federal Appeals: Jurisdiction and Practice (Westlaw)

Eric J. Magnuson and David F. Herr

Thomson Reuters U.S. federal

Federal Appellate Practice: Ninth Circuit (Westlaw)
Bennett Cooper West Group U.S. federal, focus on Ninth Circuit

Federal Ninth Circuit Civil Appellate Practice (The Rutter Group Practice Guide) (Westlaw)


Christopher A. Goetz, Peder K. Batalden, John F. Querio, and Rutter Group

The Rutter Group, a division of Thomson Reuters Succinct Answers to Practical Questions regarding how to bring an Appeal to the Ninth Circuit
Federal Standards of Review (Lexis) Steven Alan Childress, Martha S. Davis Matthew Bender & Company  U.S. federal
Federal Ninth Circuit Appellate Practice (Westlaw) Christopher Goelz and Peder Batalden and John Querio Rutter Group  
Motions in Federal Court (Westlaw) West Editorial Staff Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Litigation of International Disputes in U.S. Courts (Westlaw)

West Editorial Staff

Thomson Reuters U.S. federal and international
Civil Actions Against the United States, Its Agencies, Officers & Employees (Westlaw)

Publisher's Editorial Staff

Thomson Reuters U.S. federal
Practice Before Federal Magistrate Judges (Lexis) Kent Sinclair Jr. Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal
Federal Class Action Deskbook (Lexis) Jenner and Block Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal
Civil RICO (Lexis) David B. Smith Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal


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