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Guide to Online Secondary Sources: Torts

Guide to Secondary Legal Resources on Lexis and Westlaw

Torts (see also: --Admiralty & Maritime Law; --Health Law; --Insurance Law; --Privacy, Freedom of Information, and Cybersecurity Law; --Trademark and Unfair Competition Law)


Title Author(s) or Editor(s) Publisher


U.S. - General
American Law of Torts (Westlaw)

Stuart M. Speiser, Charles F. Krause, and Alfred W. Gans


Dobbs' Law of Torts (Westlaw) 1st ed. by Dan B. Dobbs; 2nd- eds. by Dan B. Dobbs, Paul T. Hayden, and Ellen M. Bublick Thomson Reuters
Personal Injury (The Rutter Group, California Practice Guide) (Westlaw) William F. Flahavan, William J. Rea, and Daniel J. Kelly Thomson Reuters
Personal Injury: Actions, Defenses, Damages (Lexis) Louis R. Frumer and Melvin I. Friedman Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state
Business Torts (Lexis) Joseph D. Zamore Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. state and federal laws
False Claims Act (Westlaw) Calire Sylvia Thomson-West U.S. statute
U.S. - Products Liability 
Owen & Davis on Products Liability (Westlaw) David G. Owen and Mary J. Davis Thomson Reuters
Products Liability: Design & Manufacturing Defects (Westlaw) Lewis Bass and Thomas Parker Redick West
Products Liability (Frumer & Friedman) (Lexis) Louis R. Frumer and Melvin I. Friedman Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state. Some international
Products Liability Practice Guide (Lexis) John J. Vargo Matthew Bender & Co.
U.S. - Medical Malpractice (see Health Law page)
U.S. - Miscellaneous Topics
Premises Liability (Westlaw) Louis Lehr Thomson Reuters
Premises Liability Law and Practice (Lexis) Norman J. Landau and Edward C. Martin Matthew Bender & Co.
Law of Premises Liability (Lexis) Glen Weissenberger, Barbara B. McFarland, and Joseph A. Page  Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state
Law of Defamation (Westlaw) Rodney Smolla Thomson Reuters
Privacy Torts (Westlaw) David A. Elder Thomson Reuters
Comparative Negligence (Lexis) Victor E. Schwartz Matthew Bender & Co. Includes summary of comparative negligence state statutes
Comparative Negligence Law and Practice (Lexis) Richard E. Kaye Matthew Bender & Co. Effect of the doctrine on various areas of the law and the current status of comparative negligence in every state
A Guide to Toxic Torts (Lexis) Margie Searcy-Alford Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state
Federal Tort Claims (Westlaw) Daniel A. Morris Thomson Reuters Claims that can be filed against the federal government and administrative claims procedures and federal district court procedures for a Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) claim
The Law of Commercial Trucking: Damages to Persons and Property (Lexis) David N. Nissenber Matthew Bender & Co. Legal issues that are specific to interstate trucking
Aviation Accident Law (Lexis) Lee S. Kreindler et al. Matthew Bender & Co. Includes international agreements and state products liability and wrongful death statutes
Defense of Drunk Driving Cases: Criminal-Civil (Lexis) Richard E. Erwin et al. Matthew Bender & Co. Federal Uniform Vehicle Code and state laws
Liquor Liability Law (Lexis) James F. Mosher Matthew Bender & Co. Civil liability of tavern owners, social hosts, employers, and others, for negligent service of alcohol to intoxicated persons and minors (common law and statutory)
Forensic Sciences (Lexis) Cyril H. Wecht Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and some state
Domestic Torts: Civil Lawsuits Arising From Criminal Conduct Within Family Relationships Thomson Reuters
U.S. - Tort Litigation/Damages 
Modern Tort Law: Liability and Litigation (Westlaw) J.D. Lee, Barry Lindahl
Litigating Tort Cases (Westlaw) Roxanne Barton Conlin, Gregory S. Cusimano, and members of the Association of American Justice (AAJ) Thomson Reuters
Handling Federal Tort Claims (Jayson & Longstreth) (Lexis)

Lester S. Jayson and Robert C. Longstreth 

Matthew Bender & Co.

Substantive and procedural law under the Federal Tort Claims Act

Litigating Mass Tort Cases (Westlaw) Paul D. Rheingold Thomson Reuters
Lawyers' Guide to Medical Proof (Lexis) Marshall Houts Matthew Bender & Co.
Attorneys' Textbook of Medicine (Lexis) Roscoe N. Gray and Louise J. Gordy Matthew Bender & Co. Information on over 100 injuries and diseases.
Stein on Personal Injury Damages (Westlaw) Jacob A. Stein West Group
Damages in Tort Actions (Lexis) Robert L. Conason, Paul M. Deutsch, and Frederick A. Raffa Matthew Bender & Co. Compensatory and punitive damages in personal injury, wrongful death, and property damage cases
Punitive Damages (Lexis) Linda L. Schlueter Matthew Bender & Co. Tort reform relating to punitive damages state by state and a wide range of pretrial, trial, and post-trial strategies
Torts (California Civil Practice) (Westlaw) Michael P. Thomas, Zaida Angulo McGhee, Aaron H. Reisner, Brian D. Kahn, and Stacy L. La Scala Thomson Reuters
California Torts (Lexis) Neil M. Levy, Michael M. Golden, and Leonard Sacks Matthew Bender & Co. Some federal
Matthew Bender Practice Guide: California Unfair Competition and Business Torts (Lexis) Conrad Rushing, Bruce Simon, and Elia Weinbach Matthew Bender & Co. Comprehensive and practical coverage of the Unfair Competition Law and frequently litigated business torts
California Products Liability Actions (Lexis) Joseph W. Cotchett and Robert E. Cartwright Matthew Bender & Co. Some federal
California Uninsured Motorist Law (Lexis) Robert C. Clifford Matthew Bender & Co.
Getting the Deal Through: Product Liability (Lexis) Rod Freeman and Sarah-Jane Dobson Law Business Research Ltd. 13 foreign countries, the E.U., and the U.S.
International Libel & Privacy Handbook (Lexis) Charles J. Glasser, Jr. Matthew Bender & Co. Covers Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas
Litigating International Torts in U.S. Courts (Westlaw) Thomas A. Dickerson, Rodney E. Gould, and Mark P. Chalos West


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