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Guide to Online Secondary Sources: Legal Ethics / Professional Responsibility

Guide to Secondary Legal Resources on Lexis and Westlaw

Legal Ethics (Professional Responsibility)


Title Author(s) or Editor(s) Publisher


U.S. - General

ABA Annotated Model Rules of Professional Conduct (Westlaw

Editors: Ellen J. Bennett, Elizabeth J. Cohen and Martin Whittaker

Thomson Reuters

U.S. federal and state

Legal Ethics: The Lawyers Deskbook on Professional Responsibility (Westlaw)

Ronald D. Rotunda and John S. Dzienkowski

Thomson Reuters

Focus on ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct

Legal Malpractice (Westlaw) Ronald E. Mallen and Jeffrey M. Smith Thomson West  Focus on law and litigation of legal malpractice claims. Some international coverage
The Attorney-Client Privilege in Civil Litigation (Bloomberg) Vincent S. Walkowiak and Oscar Rey Rodriguez American Bar Association  
U.S. - Criminal Law       
Criminal Defense Ethics: Law and Liability (Westlaw) John M. Burkoff Thomson Reuters Focus on criminal defense ethics
Professional Responsibility in Criminal Defense Practice (Westlaw)

John Wesley Hall, Jr


Thomson Reuters

Covers all U.S. federal and state jurisdictions

Ineffective Assistance of Counsel (Westlaw) Nancy N. Burkoff and John M. Burkoff Thomson Reuters U.S. federal and state
Prosecutorial Misconduct (Westlaw) Bennett L. Gershman Thomson Reuters U.S. federal and state
U.S. - Miscellaneous      
Judicial Conduct and Ethics (Lexis) James J. Alfini et al. Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state
Professional Responsibility (The Rutter Group, California Practice Guide) (Westlaw Paul W. Vapnek The Rutter Group, a division of Thomson Reuters Focus on California ethics and professional responsibility


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