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Guide to Online Secondary Sources: Environmental Law

Guide to Secondary Legal Resources on Lexis and Westlaw

Environmental Law (see also: --Insurance Law; --Land Use Planning and Zoning; --Natural Resources/Energy/Public Utilities Law)


Title Author(s) or Editor(s) Publisher


Law of Environmental Protection (Westlaw) Environmental Law Institute (Sheldon M. Novick et al.) West U.S. federal

Rodgers Environmental Law (Westlaw)

William H. Rodgers, Jr and Elizabeth Burleson

West Publishing Company

Focus on U.S. federal environmental law, some international coverage

Treatise on Environmental Law (Lexis) Frank P. Grad Matthew Bender & Co. Primarily U.S. federal, some international coverage
Environmental Law Practice Guide (Lexis) Michael Gerrard Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state 
Environmental Enforcement: Civil and Criminal (Lexis) Daniel Riesel Law Journal Press Primarily U.S. federal, some state coverage
Federal Environmental Regulation of Real Estate (Westlaw) Frank B. Cross Thomson Reuters U.S. federal and state
Environmental Regulation of Real Property (Lexis) Nicholas A. Robinson Law Journal Press Covers U.S. federal, state, regional, and local environmental law
Environmental Law in Real Estate and Business Transactions (Lexis) Annemargaret Connolly Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state, some international coverage
Environmental Regulation of Land Use (Westlaw) Linda A. Malone Thomson Reuters U.S. federal and state
Law of Toxic Torts (Westlaw) Thomas A. Dickerson, Rodney E. Gould and Mark Chalos Thomson Reuters U.S. federal and state
A Guide to Toxic Torts (Lexis) Margie Searcy-Alford Matthew Bender & Co. Covers major aspects of toxic tort cases. U.S. federal and state
Guide to the Toxic Substances Control Act (Lexis) Miriam V. Gold and Jean Warshaw Matthew Bender & Co. Primarily U.S. federal, some state coverage
The Law of Hazardous Waste (Lexis) Susan M. Cooke & Christopher P. Davis Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal and state

Brownfields Law and Practice: The Cleanup and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land (Lexis)

Michael Gerrard Matthew Bender & Co. Overview of U.S. federal and state brownfield laws, regulations, programs, and procedures
Marine Oil Pollution (Lexis) Antonio J. Rodriguez Matthew Bender & Co. U.S. federal, state, and international
State Environmental Law (Westlaw) Kenneth A. Manaster and Daniel P. Selmi West Group State focus
Energy Policy Act of 2005: Law and Regulations (VitalLaw)
VitalLaw Explanations on the 2005 act.
When Gushers Go Dry: The Essentials of Oil & Gas Bankruptcy, Second Edition  (Bloomberg) Deborah D. Williamson American Bankruptcy Institute  
Environmental Litigation (California Civil Practice) (Westlaw)

Ronald B. Robie and Summer L. Nastich

Thomson Reuters 

Focus on California with U.S. federal and state coverage

California Environmental Law & Land Use Practice (Lexis) Kenneth A. Manaster and Daniel P. Selmi Matthew Bender & Co. Primarily state law, some U.S. federal
Comparative Environmental Law and Regulation (Westlaw) Nicholas A. Robinson, Elizabeth Burleson, and Lin-Heng Lye Oceana Publications Covers over 60 countries, including the U.S. (also provides some international coverage)
Getting the Deal Through: Climate Regulation (Lexis) James A. Auslander and Brook J. Detterman Law Business Research Ltd. Provides overviews on regulatory response to climate change for 11 countries throughout the world (including the U.S.)
Getting the Deal Through: Environment (Lexis) James A. Auslander and Brook J. Detterman Law Business Research Ltd. Provides overviews on environmental topics for 13 countries throughout the world (including the U.S.)


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